On opening day
Every team has a chance
Even the Astros
That's a lot of games to play
Six months of baseball

Ya gotta believe
That's what they tell us Mets fans
Maybe next year, sigh
So long Santana
It was fun watching you pitch
Mets lose another
Will the Nationals
Get to the playoffs again?
Nats fans sure think so
The Los Angeles
Angels of Anaheim, yikes
That is a mouthful
So, how's that A-Rod
contract working out for
all you Yankees fans?
Hey Red Sox Nation,
Think you stand a chance this year?
AL East is tough
American League
Time to retire the DH
Not going to happen
Who do you root for?
Yankees, Red Sox, Nats?
May the best team win
Play ball!
It's a simple game
You throw the ball you catch the
ball you hit the ball
Rays' Sam Fuld is hot
Good fielder and hitter too
But mostly he's hot
I LOL'd, Betty
Fuld is definitely hot
Looks like David Wright
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