Per an investigative report in the London Daily Telegraph, "While boxer shorts usually have a central opening, Y-fronts and trunks traditionally have a right-handed opening, making it potentially more tricky for left-handed men when they are standing at a urinal" (or need to whip it out for some other pressing reason).
To which I say: Who knew?
But thanks to Hom's new underwear, now lefties everywhere can whip it out the way God intended them to. Southpaws rejoice!
(Btw, you can pick up a pair of the Hom H1 Original Maxi Trunk or Hipster for lefties online at BeCheeky.com and at other fine stores.)
UPDATED: "Be twice the man in Y-front"?! Anybody care to explain?

I am once again reminded at how lazy and gross boys are. Why can't they just pull em down like the rest of us?!
I fear the unintended consequences. Fewer boys will learn how to be ambidextrous.
The one-word answer to your question is "urinals."
At first I thought the post title said "left-hanging" men and I thought the last niche was about to be filled. So to speak.
To Anonymous:
We *do* pull 'em down--at least those of us who can't fit through those little openings (no matter what side they're on).
And btw, I am a lefty, but I long ago learned to...ahem...adjust to this biased righthanded world we live in. Hmpf.
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