Behold, the power of Pop-Tarts!

Truth be told, we were rather unimpressed with Pop-Tarts World, despite the allure of creating your own custom box of Pop-Tarts and the Pop-Tarts sushi (which we didn't sample). Like Pop-Tarts themselves, the Pop-Tarts store was/is way more about good marketing than good taste. And once January comes, and its lease expires, all that will be left of Pop-Tarts World will be a few crumby memories. (Though maybe Pillsbury will open a Toaster Strudel Universe in its stead.)
Longing for frosting
Deprivation in my youth
They still ain't breakfast
Well I definitely can't top larissa's haiku to the mighty pop tart so all I can say is what a bizarro world. A pop tart store. Is this something we really need? Nudge me when you guys try the Whopper Bar from BK which I understand also opened in NYC last week. I was part of the team that reco'd this idea to them oh 12 years ago.... ;)
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