Zoom in on the blondies!

And my* fabulous Dark-Chocolate-Kissed Ginger Cookies...

In a word: Deeeeelicious!
I just hope J-THREE-O's teachers (all 11 of them) enjoy eating them as much as we* enjoyed making them, from scratch, all day, after one of us shoveled snow and broke yet another nail and nearly burned her hand.
*Technically "our" as J-THREE-O shared measuring, mixing, and baking duties with me -- but, alas, not clean up. :-(
That would be a Holiday Mircle!
Please send cookies!!! Knoxville awaits!!!
My mouth is watering! Worth a broken nail!
Yummy! I was with you on baking an shoveling duty today. No burns, but I did almost fall off my stoop.
Gingerbread cookies, Rice Krispie x-mas trees and chocolate covered mini pretzels. All with sprinkles, naturally.
I'm jealous of J-Three-O's teachers...LOVE blondies.
They look awesome. How about an e-commerce site to sell 'em to your readers? :)
J-Three-O and myself were allowed to have some samples after dinner. I happy to say they lived up to the billing.
Drool on my keyboard
I just gained a pound looking
But it was worth it
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