Still looking for that extra special Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa) gift? How about a puppy -- or perhaps 17?
Why do I ask? Because Sharon Center, Ohio resident and now foster canine grandmother Christi Six (who, as far as I know, is not a stripper or porn star) has 17 -- yes 17 -- adorable Cane Corso Italian Mastiff pups who need good homes. (I know: Thatsa lotta puppies!)
FYI, you can contact Christi Six -- about her Cane Corso puppies -- at christisix [at symbol] gmail [dot] com. But be warned, these adorable Cane Corso Italian Mastiff pups, while adorable and supposedly very intelligent, trainable, and loyal, can grow to over 100 pounds.
The octomom of the canine world!
Make that Icosamom!
How adorable! Mastiffs are loveable and can double as ponies!
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