So this morning the spouse posted the following on his Facebook page (after I asked him to help me make the bed):
Make the bed or not? I say it's a waste of time. You?To which one of his (female) Facebook friends replied:
I make it every day...there is something about smoothing out the sheets/and pillows....the sensation of getting into a made bed, is not the same as getting into an unmade bed.Which pretty much sums up my feelings.
Also, I can't fold clothes on a messy bed -- and I don't like having cat fur (we have two cats who share joint custody of the bed) on the sheets. And, okay, I was traumatized by my mother and camp counselors as a child and cannot not make a bed without being terrified something awful will happen (though I no longer care if you can or cannot bounce a quarter off it).
So which side of the bed-making controversy are you on? Click the circle that best describes you.
To make the bed or not make the bed? That is the question.
I don't know...there's just something unsettling about getting into an unmade bed, particularly at bedtime.
eOn days when I feel like an unmade bed myself. Making the bed seems to sooth me.
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