Everywhere you went there was some store or restaurant showcasing its Obama-themed wares and/or Obama-themed menu items in the hopes of making up for an otherwise less-than-great retail season. (Anyone for an Obamarita?)
The only other "news" story that really crossed my radar while we were away was "Hurricane Bill," because we are all about the weather. Of course, when I first saw the headline re "Hurricane Bill" I immediately thought "Uh oh, what has Bill Clinton done NOW?" But, much to my (and I am sure Hillary's, though not the island of Bermuda's) relief, this Hurricane Bill is just a bunch of hot air (oh wait) -- I mean, the first hurricane of the Atlantic season, and currently a Category 2 storm.
Equally distressing (okay, not equally, but still distressing), I just discovered that for some reason The Jacksons are STILL in the news, as are Jon and Kate. ("Viewers' sympathies swing from Jon to Kate"!)
In other breaking "reality" TV news, former Conservative House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) will be on (oh-so-wrongly-named*) Dancing with the Stars this season (as will Donny Osmond, Macy Gray, Aaron Carter, Melissa Joan Hart, and Kathy Ireland, to name just a few), while, sadly, Paula Abdul, who may be returning to American Idol after all (yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus), will not be.
And that, I believe, is enough for one blog post. (Happy now, Powaqqatsi? ; )
*For the sake of truth in advertising, the show should really be called Dancing with the B-List Actors, Models, the High-Profile Football Guy (this year's entry, Michael Irvin!) and/or Race Car Driver, and People Who Are Trying to Jump Start Their Careers (which may be redundant).
Amen.....There are fewer stars in that lineup than in blazing sunlight.
Why are we obsessed about whether b-level talent can dance? Really? That makes watching a current Mets game seem interesting.
And can we have a custody battle so we can welcome the first season of "Foster system plus 8"???
I NEVER doubted Santa (wish people would stop saying that).
Love the fact that the CRAZY is returning to Idol.
I've watched DWTS the past few seasons and thought last year was the best. Not thrilled w/ this year's line up, but will watch anyway.
Never been an Idol fan so I don't care about Paula Abdul. She's in the same category for me as Brett Farve...ENOUGH already.
As for the Jackson's...when will it end??? NEVER. Ugh.
See? One post & I'm all caught up with all the info that matters. Thanks!
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