[If you are wondering about the Jersey Shore reference, keep reading.]

[FYI: The picture above is a computer-generated graphic showing the tracks of more than 100 subatomic particles resulting from the collision of protons in the Large Hadron Collider's Compact Muon Solenoid at an energy of 7 trillion electron volts. Talkin' 'bout some "Hot Stuff"*...]
Now, I am not a scientist, but I do try to stay informed on what's going on in the world, and if scientists really wanted to find "hot dense matter," they could have saved $10 billion and just watched a couple of episodes of Jersey Shore. (Talk about a void...)
Note to CERN scientists: If you do find "hot dense matter" how about naming the new subatomic particle (that goes out with a bang) a "Snooki"?
In related news, for those of you wondering what would happen if you put your hand inside the Large Hadron Collider while it was accelerating particles, wonder no more! (Maybe.)
*Bonus points if you got the Donna Summer reference.
The rap is catchy, though I may need to use Unhearit after grooving to it.
A number of years ago I had a customer ask me during a demonstration what would happen if he stuck his “junk” into one of our electron microscopes. This was a $250K microscope.
Do men ever grow up?
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