Maybe it's the word pasties, or it could be the voluptuous pastie-only clad model on FlyingPasties.com. But, heck, if that bastion of the Right, the Wall Street Journal, can write about Flying Pasties, gosh darn it, so can I!
In a (coco) nut shell: Flying Pasties are, and I quote, "meant to obscure your private parts when entering a typical airport scanner," thereby protecting your privacy.
You can learn more about these little rubber privacy protectors at FlyingPasties.com -- or via the WSJ article (which I linked to).
Btw, I love the quote from the "Pilots of America" on the site: "Ingenious." (I wonder what the airport scanners union has to say about them....)
Moving right along...
In the lettuce entertain you category: Last week the World Snail Racing Championships took place in England and around 200 snails slugged it out to win the honor of World's Fastest Snail.
Ready... set... escargot!
Snail Bonanza - World Snail Racing Championships from Rii Schroer on Vimeo.
Finally, this gem, courtesy of friend of the blog Larissa, on why you should never argue with an ibex:
Bon appetit and safe travels...
Few things make me more ashamed of/angry at my country than the farce of removing one's shoes at the airport. You just identified another one, although clearly TSA will provide extra special attention to those foolish enough (i.e. born every minute) to buy them.
I am, of course, referring to the snails. That section of your post also violates generally accepted pun limits.
The airport screeners can see me naked??? :-O
Where do we go now?
To the slow loris sonya
And you think I joke
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