This weekend I discovered, thanks to
Jon Swift and
Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, that February 3 was
Blogroll Amnesty Day (though it is actually being celebrated January 31 - February 3, making it more of a Blogroll Amnesty Long Weekend), "the blogosphere's greatest (and, so far, only) holiday... a day when we salute all of the great smaller blogs that don't get the recognition they deserve," per Mr. Swift. To which I say "here, here" -- as in, send your readers here, here, to
J-TWO-O, a Lilliputian-sized blog with big dreams, Mr. Swift and Mr. Bush Kangaroo! (Hmm... Maybe they should have called it National Blog Whoring Day.)

And while I think giving voice/linkage to deserving small blogs is a most noble idea, and I do my bit every day by linking to many fine small (and some large) blogs (at right), which I encourage everyone reading this to click on and explore, I am suffering a bit from "special day" overload. Take today, for example, which is
Groundhog Day. And this just in from Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania: Six more weeks of winter. Curse you, Punxsutawney Phil! (No wonder he's packing heat. He's going to need it after that forecast. Feh.)
It is also
Post-Super Bowl/Big Game Day (more on this below). And now Pre-
Blogroll Amnesty Day (which should really be called Support Your Favorite Small Blogs Day).
And in less than two weeks it will be
Valentine's Day. And then before we know it it'll be
St. Patrick's Day, which is really just an excuse to drink way too much beer, act like an idiot, and piss in an alley.
Enough with the "days" already.
What's next, Stimulate the Economy Day? A Day without Rod Blagojevich Day? (Though that would be nice. Ditto A Day without Sarah Palin Day.) Rush Limbaugh Day? (Though really every day is Rush Limbaugh Day, at least at MSNBC.) Oh and don't get me started on National Boss Day. (What are the self-employed supposed to do, celebrate themselves?)
But as today is the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday it behooves me to briefly discuss the Big Game, even though neither the New York Giants nor the New York Jets played this year. Herewith,
J.'s Thoughts on Super Bowl XLIII (typed during the Big Game):
First Half:* Is make-up speed anything like make-up sex?
* Is it me or were this year's commercials way better than last year's? (The spouse and I particularly liked the Pepsi commercial featuring Bob Dylan and, though Pepsi? And I did chuckle at the ad with Danica Patrick in the shower and the ad. Though I still HATE those dumb eTrade ads with the baby(ies). Btw, you can watch all the Super Bowl ads on
* Apparently, per the announcers, Kurt Warner had yet to "find his rhythm" and is "a rhythm quarterback." Considering the guy has seven kids (though three are adopted, I believe), I would say the rhythm method hasn't been working for Kurt for a while now.
* Second quarter, just over 8 minutes left, looked like we had a game -- and Kurt found his rhythm! Steelers 10, Cardinals 7.
* Just wondering, how many letters can fit on the back of an official NFL jersey? Good thing Ben is so Big, otherwise
Roethlisberger would never fit; ditto
* Phenomenal end to the half, if you are a Steelers fan -- 100 yard interception return by No. 92, James Harrison, the youngest of 14 kids. (Whoa.) Was the longest interception return in Super Bowl history. Though totally sucked if you (like me and the spouse) were rooting for the Cardinals. Gotta admit though, that was pretty incredible. Did not see that one coming (nor, apparently, did Kurt Warner and the Cardinals. Again, so much for the "rhythm" method).
Half Time:* I am so not feeling you Sobe. And what is with all the 3-D sh*t?
* Listening to the NBC Gatorade half-time team, I am not listening. Commentary overload. Let's
not go back to the first possession of the game, Bob... (Clearly they were playing for time and praying for Bruce Springsteen to start playing.)
* Re Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, how much do you think they made for 12 minutes/4 songs? Not a huge fan of The Boss, but the spouse and I thought he put on a very good show -- and the saxophone player kicked butt. Also liked the girls with guitars. (And hey, it beat the heck out of listening to Bob Costas, Chris Collinsworth, and the rest of the NBC Gatorade half-time crew prattle on for another 12 minutes.)
Second Half:* Harrison almost did it again. Almost.
* End of the third: Pittsburgh 20, Arizona 7. Yawn. Give me
Super Bowl XLII. (Even the commercials had gotten boring.) But then...
* 7:33 to go in the fourth and Larry Fitzgerald scored a touchdown for Arizona -- 20 - 14, Steelers. And, okay, that Alec Baldwin commercial and the latest "Heroes" ad were pretty funny. Things were looking up!
* 6:39 to go and Roethlisberger gets sacked. Better...
* Et tu Richard Dean Anderson? Pepsuber? Really? Worse...
* You call that a penalty?! Harrison should have been thrown out of the game. Talk about unnecessary roughness. Those were low blows.
* Wow. Safety. Pittsburgh 20, Arizona 16. Less than three minutes to go... Things were starting to get interesting again.
* 2:37 Larry Fitzgerald goes ALL... THE... WAY! WoW. Arizona 23, Pittsburgh 20. Whoa. Talk about an amazing race... (And Matt Leinart makes a cameo.)
* Holy cow! Pittsburgh scored a touchdown with 35 seconds left in the fourth quarter! Another amazing play. No sh*t, Sherlock -- I mean Santonio, who went on to become the MVP. So much for boring. Though you gotta feel a little bad for Warner, Fitzgerald, and the Cardinals.
* And it's over. The Pittsburgh Steelers win 27 - 23, becoming the first franchise to win six Super Bowls.
Oh and do check out my
Super Bowl Pre-Game Wrap-Up if you have not already done so -- and check out some small blogs this week!