Unfortunately, I was unable to embed the Your Mom Is Calling Relaxation Ringtone here (click on the link above to check it out), but here is what the soothing voice says:
"Your mom is calling...
but she can wait.
First, let's relax our shoulders and take a deep breath in...
and out.
and out.
Now, you may answer your phone."
I could listen to that ringtone all morning.
[H/T to FOB Larissa. Thank you thank you thank you.]
OMG That is AWESOME!!!! Need this for my mother-in-law. :P
That is wonderful, although I am fortunate in not necessarily needing that ringtone.
Also, your mother is asking a trick question, as I believe there is only one kind of Bass available in the US. (Now made outside Syracuse - woo hoo!)
"Also, your mother is asking a trick question, as I believe there is only one kind of Bass available in the US."
And if she had actually gone to a liquor store, of which I believe there are plenty in New York, rather than calling me in a panic at 9:30 a.m., she would have quickly found that out. (Note: This is typical behavior. Hence my need for that ringtone.)
This was a hoot! Do they have them for brothers and sisters-in-law and crazy clients? :-)
@Nina, if not, they should!
yes, there are others
your dad, a sister, and more
check out Amazon
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