And if that were not enough evidence for you, just take a gander at this:

I rest my case. Barack Obama is a Vulcan.
(Clearly, that whole "father from Kenya" story was just a cover-up. In reality, Barack's father was an emissary from the planet Vulcan who mated with Obama's mother, as well as other humans, during his brief stay here on Earth.)
On the plus side, would you rather have a president who can render our enemies unconscious with a Vulcan nerve pinch or a guy who seems as though he's been nerve pinched one too many times?
As the old Vulcan proverb says: "Challenge your preconceptions, or they will challenge you."
Meanwhile, you need to get someone to Photoshop the Tuvok eye brows on to Barak. Any takers?
A very logical argument you make, Jennifer
Perhaps Barack will perform a Vulcan mind meld on McCain during the next debate.
Live long and prosper.
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