Yes, my friends, spandex, that space-age fabric, lives.
But before you (men) start defending these female Olympic beach volleyball players' choice of garb (which doesn't even look that great on them), I present you with Exhibit B, the sensibly clad USA men's beach volleyball team. You don't see them in little lycra Speedos like some springboard skipping high diver. No.

So why, pray tell, are women beach volleyball players from around the globe subjecting their crotches to untold amounts of sand (and whatever is in that sand), butts to who knows how many wedgies, and breasts to countless strap adjustments and nipple gazing? You tell me. (And I am sure you will.)
This just in from CNBC, which interviewed AVP (for Association of Volleyball Professionals) CEO and Commissioner Leonard Armato on 8/21: The skimpier volleyball uniforms may have something to do with the sport's popularity at the Olympics. No, really, Lennie?! Yup, beach volleyball fans, IT'S TRUE! Just watch the video of the CNBC interview by clicking here. (I tried to embed it, but could not.) Btw, Mr. Armato swears that the decision to go skimpy was entirely the female players' and that they are more comfortable wearing four inches of strategically placed lycra/spandex than they would be in shorts and a t-shirt. Uh-huh. Can't get enough volleyball, beach or otherwise? Check out the AVP's website.
But enough of beach volleyball. The question I really want the answer to is: WHY HAS NO ONE DROP SHIPPED ME A CASE OF FAT TIRE AMBER ALE YET?! Hello?! I know from the emails and comments I have received that many of you are intimately familiar with and have access to Fat Tire Amber Ale. Yet it has been 10 days now since I blogged about my primal need for this sublime amber ale, and only one person has even come close to offering to procure me some.
At the rate I'm going, I am more likely to get a flat tire than a Fat Tire. (Note to spouse: You told me you would ask your bro in Illinois to send us some. But did you? Huh? Did you? I'm waiting...)
1:41 P.M. Fat Tire Update: I just received the following email from my dear friend, JAGZ, which I had to reprint here.
Email from JAGZ to New Belgium Brewing:
My friend and her husband absolutely adore your Fat Tire Amber Ale and they have told me that unfortunately, there is no way they can get any shipped to them in Connecticut. I am sure they have contacted you but I don't want to ask them on that off chance I can surprise them and figure out a way to ship some to them. I would appreciate any thoughts on whether this would be possible? Many thanks in advance!
From: nbb
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 4:02 PM
To: [Name deleted]
Subject: RE: Inquiry
Hi [Name deleted],
You are a good friend! Your friends are right, we have no way of shipping whether it’s across the state or across the country. Here in Colorado it’s illegal to mail beer and for quality purposes we probably wouldn’t do it anyway. I’ll attach our territory map to our email. It may be worth an internet search in these states to see what their rules and regulations are with this law. Sorry we couldn’t be of more help, but good luck!
New Belgium Brewing Co.
From: [Name deleted]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 2:07 PM
To: nbb
Subject: RE: Inquiry
Thanks, Rachel. I appreciate the info! Do you have a list of stores that carry this beer in these territories as perhaps I can contact them to see if they can ship.... Many thanks in advance. Maybe one day your product will be sold back East!
From: nbb
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 5:52 PM
To: [Name deleted]
Subject: RE: Inquiry
Hi [Name deleted],
I don’t have a list of every store in every state. Being in 19 states, that would be one long list! Try that internet search and see what you can find. Get creative in your search and you’ll find us with ease.
New Belgium Brewing Co.
500 Linden St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
I have to give my spouse credit -- glued as he was to the women's volleyball, he too questioned why they didn't have the option to wear shirts. He also said some unprintable things about whether the Chinese women's gymnastic team was using underage participants. He also yelled some similarly unprintable things at the TV during a Law & Order SVU episode. He has strong opinions. :-)
As to your Fat Tire Ale, there are laws about transporting alcohol across state lines . . . which might explain why your friends, much as they love you, are not willing to risk a prison sentence. :-)
First, you must have been reading my mind, literally, with your new blog. It is exactly what I was thinking, including about the guys!! However, I do recall your flashing me a picture of you in a bikini and you definitely give those girls a run for their money with your bod!! Only in my dreams do I have a body like that/you!!
Secondly, since you were complaining (Ha! and I mean that lovingly!!!), I have actually started some research on your beer fetish and in fact, googled Fat Tire after receiving the email and in fact, found a bunch of places that will ship it to CT.... I was holding off til your birthday but since you can't wait, you can now google the name yourself and have some shipped to you!! LOL! :)
Be very careful what you wish for!
Should a truckload arrive on my doorstep, I will be sure to take pictures, Tabitha. ; )
Loved your comment, Nina. Looking forward to meeting the spouse.
Thank you all for your concern. I have actually Googled for people/stores who will ship Fat Tire to CT but with no success. It appears no one is willing to go to prison for me, at least over a six-pack of beer. (Btw, I'm not interested in the 22 oz. bottles as I get tipsy after the usual 12. And I hate to waste good beer.)
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