The new "Wild Turkey" home delivery service from Whole Foods is great. Only problem is catching the darn things. (We counted at least ten birds, but they moved so fast -- who knew? -- and were going in different directions, so it was hard to figure out just how many there were.)

all i can think is
yum yum gravy -n- taters
sorry poor birdy
Every year I go hunting in Virginia for one day. That day is usually just a deer day but now and again it is also a turkey day. One day just before thanksgiving (thanksgiving being a turkey day) I was out hunting and was SURROUNDED by turkeys. They are quick and elusive but they swanned around like they had not a care in the world. Half a dozen of them milling about 10 feet away from where I sat. Chortilling is my guess. On turkey days, not one to be seen.
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