According to Facebook, every day 120 million
people log on to the site, 30 million of whom update their status at least once a day. Who are these Facebook users or "friends"? (Btw, the site actually has 250 million active users. They just don't all log on to the site every day.) And can you categorize them?
In answer to the first question, Facebook users are EVERYONE. And in many ways, they defy categorization. They are young. They are old. They are famous or famous in their own minds. They are your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, your kids, your parents. The list goes on and on, but if you are reading this, chances are you are on Facebook.
And while some people defy categorization, I have taken a stab at categorizing certain Facebook users. (Note: My list is far from inclusive, nor is it meant to cast aspersions on anyone.) If this were one of those Facebook quizzes/applications, and maybe someone will turn it into one (and if you do, please link to this post or give credit to J. of
J-TWO-O or, it would be called
"What type of Facebook friend are you?"The Chatty Patty. Can be male or female. The Chatty Patty wants you to know what he/she is doing throughout the day, loves when you comment on his/her updates, will often comment on others status and/or photos and/links, and will comment on comments.
The Class Clown. Likes to post funny status updates, links, videos, and photos and will post funny comments on other people's Facebook pages, updates, links, videos, and photos.
The Flack. Someone who mainly uses Facebook to promote his/her self, blog, or business.
The Hit-and-Run Poster. Has a Facebook account and dozens (or hundreds) of Facebook friends but rarely posts status updates or pictures or links or comments. When the Hit-and-Run Poster does post an update or comment, it tends to be very short and often esoteric. Also rarely responds to comments.
The Philosopher. Likes to quote philosophers, writers, musicians, etc. in status updates and when commenting on other people's posts.
The Procrastinator. Really should be working or doing something else, but, hey, this status update will just take a sec and you've just got to check out this link/photo/video. Often posts comments on friends' Facebook pages and sends them links. May be confused with the Chatty Patty or Class Clown.
The Robin Leach. For these Facebookers, life is (seemingly) all Champagne wishes and caviar dreams. (They also rarely, if ever, comment on the more mundane goings on of others.)
The Wallflower or Ghost. Similar to the Hit-and-Run Poster, the Wallflower or Ghost has many Facebook friends but never (or only very rarely) posts status updates or comments on other people's status updates or photos or links.