[To see the short commercial -- of a woman being awakened in the middle of the night by a rooster, who then follows her to work -- click on where it says "YouTube." You will then be able to watch the clip on YouTube.]
I'd try medication, but after hearing all those disclaimers (which make up most of those ads you hear for Ambien and Lunesta), I'm pretty sure the "cure" is worse than the problem.
So, any ideas, people?
Repetitive prayer. Works every time.
Have you got a noisey cock ??
Woah! Check out those side effects! I'd rather have the rooster. Speaking of which, I did. He was a gorgeous bird called Tennessee but we weren't allowed to keep him. We had some hungry people bidding on him in a Trademe auction but he ended up becoming a therapy pet in rest homes (I've seen the photos). I love a happy ending :)
@Ange, it's lovely comments like yours that keep me blogging. Thanks for the smile. :-)
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