Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why don't the Obamas adopt a cat -- or two?

I like dogs, but a cat -- better yet, two cats -- would be a much more practical pet for the White House. Cats do not have to be walked. Cats are fastidious. Cats are useful. Cats do not spill the water from their water bowl all over the floor, gnaw on shoes or tear up the house when you leave them alone for a few hours. And they can be quite affectionate.

Yes, I know Malia Obama is allergic to pet dander, but just like there are hypoallergenic dogs, there are hypoallergenic cats, like this lovely Siberian:

Oh, and for those who say dogs make better pets and/or are more fun, I beg to differ. Cats are MUCH easier to care for (did I mention the no walking at 6 a.m. or 11 p.m. in the rain or snow, freezing cold or blistering heat?) and can be lots of fun. Just check out Exhibit A:

Or even better, to show the world that his administration will be truly bipartisan, Barack Obama and his family should adopt a dog AND a cat (from a shelter, if possible).


  1. Don't understand small dogs-just cats that are more complex to care for...

  2. Is this your cat??? Quite funny and made all of smile South of the Mason-Dixon line.

  3. Neither cat belongs to us, sadly, though we love our short-haired torbi (kind of a calico - tabby mix) and our black (with three white splotches) medium-haired domestic and are now tempted to try the open carton trick with the latter, who, like the cat in the video, loves sticking his snout into stuff, especially boxes and yogurt containers.

  4. Cats are perceived as un-American, while dogs better fit the American national character (playful, friendly, chewing on slippers, peeing on the rug etc.).

  5. I think you gloss over some of the downsides of cat ownership: cats horking up hairballs, sharpening their claws on the furniture (imagine what could happen to the Lincoln bid in the Lincoln Bedroom!), horrifying guest at state dinners with the presentation of headless mice, etc. But I agree with the bi-species reconciliation suggestion: a cat and a dog. Works for me!

    PS: You don't have to walk a dog in lousy weather if you have a big enough yard. You just have to remember pick up the turds later.

  6. Having cleaned up my share of horked hairballs, watching my couches be ripped to shreds, and having been presented with several dead (though not headless) mice, I cannot disagree with you, Betty. But I am glad you are amenable to a first dog AND a first cat.

  7. Betty is right about the convenience of yards for dogs and the need for turd vigilance, another freedom + responsibility we gained by fleeing to the suburbs.

    She forgets, however, that dogs are just as capable as cats of vomiting, and since most dogs are bigger than cats the results are proportional. Thank God for Nature's Miracle.

  8. >>Cats do not spill the water from their water bowl all over the floor, gnaw on shoes or tear up the house when you leave them alone for a few hours. <<

    Clearly you have never met my cats, who drink with their feet, will chew on anything (rubber bands in the litterbox, anyone?), and try to recreate scenes from Risky Business in my absence.

    God bless their furry little hearts.


  9. I agree about the Siberian Forest Cats. Not only are they are they good for people who are normally allergic to cats, but the have an amazingly playful and loveable personality.
    I have a Siberian and she is the sweetest cat I have ever known, and believe me I have known many!
    About clawing the furniture in the white house.... cats can be de-clawed in the front.
    I loved the vid. :) Made me laugh. Thanks
