Monday, November 10, 2008

Jets, Giants win again... Change you can click on... And what is it with old people and Buicks?

Obama won. Jets won. Giants won. Really, does it get any better than this?

Barack Obama is now going to be our #1 (or our Numero Uno, for all my Spanish-speaking readers) when it comes to government and/or governance. And thanks to their wins this weekend, both the Jets (who slaughtered the St. Louis Rams, 47 - 3) and the Giants (who clipped the Philadelphia Eagles, 36 - 31) are now number one in their respective conference divisions. (Okay, okay. For you purists, aka New England Patriots fans, the Jets are technically tied for first in the AFC East right now. But considering where they were last year, this is HUGE. And the Giants, with an 8 - 1 record, lead the National Football Conference outright. Take that Cowboys and Redskins fans.)

I am still waiting for my official post-election Obama-Biden t-shirt, but in the meantime I am showing my support for my other favorite teams.

Btw, speaking of the president elect and his new administration, I invite and recommend you all to visit Barack Obama's new website,, where you can read the latest news about the country's next executive team, share your election/campaign stories, and even apply for a job with the Obama administration (which I did over the weekend -- keep your fingers crossed for me!).

Lastly (and having nothing to do with Obama, the Jets, or the Giants), What the heck is it about seventy- and eightysomethings and Buicks?! I nearly got run over by some white-haired granny in a big blue (circa 1990?) Buick this morning in the parking lot at Whole Foods, and this wasn't the first time. Over the weekend, I got stuck behind another elderly woman, driving an older "Champagne" or "Cashmere"-colored Buick, who illegally turned right in front of me, then practically stopped dead, then again not using a turn signal turned left after waiting what seemed like forever at a stop sign.

I know Tiger Woods, 31, has been the or a spokesperson for Buick since 1999, but I dare you to find me one Buick driver under the age of 50.

That's all for now. Just remember to drive safely -- and check out


  1. Can it get any better? Yes it can -- the mighty Gators also won! And the Bucs didn't play, which means -- they didn't lose!

    I've got to give belated props to your boyfriend Eli. I had him pegged as the Lesser Manning, floating by mostly on name recognition. I was wrong. He's the real deal.

    RE: Buicks -- c'mon down to FL for a visit, and you'll be menaced by more Buicks and Oldsmobiles (yes, even now) than you can shake a stick at.

    But unless GM produces a practical hydrogen car soon, I see those brands continuing their journey to the tar pit.

  2. Except for a brief period in the mid-to-late '80s* my parents have had Buicks since 1977. And yes, the last two have been champagne-colored. However, my parents (now in their late 70s) are very good drivers and I am pretty sure Dad does not drive while wearing a hat.

    I do not know what draws older people to champagne-colored barges but there are, in fact, no Buick drivers under 50. I suspect Buick got Tiger to be their pitchman because of golf's popularity among the senior set.

    *when, of course, they drove an Olds

  3. So are Buicks the new Oldsmobiles?

    For the record, my mother (affectionately referred to in our house as "Mrs. Magoo") drives a Honda Civic; my mother-in-law, who is a good driver, an Infiniti SUV; and my godmother, who lives in Southern Florida (and was, I believe jokingly, offended by my post) drives a slightly used Jaguar that she got a very good deal on -- and is also a good driver. My grandfathers(who are all long deceased; the grandmothers didn't drive) drove Cadillacs and/or Lincoln Town Cars and could often be seen with caps.

  4. None of us, neither Moishie nor Sheimoi nor Matzo nor Zomatz nor any of the other twins, either here or abroad (nor any of the broads they know), can think of a better person to work in the new Obama administration. We ALL stand ready to send recommendations. You would be perfect in the communications office, outstanding as a speechwriter, and mighty fine as a reseacher thinking about how to present and position Obama's agenda. If we knew Obama personally, we would send an e-mail now.

  5. My 80-year-old neighbor drives a Buick. I swear he's trying to kill me (and my mailbox).

  6. Who is this Carpetbagging Coach? And can you send him to Tennessee, as we need a new football coach here at the University....
