Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just in time for Passover!

As many of you know, I am a big fan of Bubala Please on YouTube. And now, just in time for Passover, which begins Monday at sundown, comes the latest episode of Bubala Please, where my home boys Jaquann and Luis are in need of some serious Passover munchies. (Warning: This video contains some very non-kosher language.)

I don't know about all of you, but I am totally craving some of Luis's Baja Gefilte Fish Tacos right now.

And speaking of Passover food, specifically the Seder, check out this video called "Best Seder in the USA (The Passover Song)" by JewishTreats.

Chag Sameach, bitches.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that the fish tacos are technically pareve (can't eat with dairy), but Jaquann and Luis are totally ignoring Kashruth. The ice cream with the charoset actually sounds like a good combo, same with the cheese in the matzoh balls, but can't serve them if you are having brisket as the main course.
