Monday, March 18, 2013

Finally, a cure for the terminally hip

Are you ironic? Do you possess more than one Apple device? Do you watch Girls on HBO? Do you buy Fair Trade? Do you have a Tumblr blog... or a beard? Then you may be suffering from HIPSTER. Fortunately, now there is a cure, Unpretensiousil (aka Dedouchefin).

Unpretentiousil Medicine Commercial To Heal Hipster

Many thanks to friend of the blog (and recovering? hipster) Another David S. for sending me this video.


  1. Love the real medical name for the product: dedouchefin... also hashtag #hashtag

  2. I am allergic to change...guess will have to be who I am...

  3. A & I were hysterical watching that. Even though I do have many Apple devices (and a lot of Fair Trade coffee...) But, I'm too old, so it's fine.

  4. Perfect for today
    Any day for that matter
    You help keep me sane

  5. Hipster? Moi? Jamais! But I did date one for a couple of years. And I'm regularly surrounded by them. So maybe by proxy...

  6. @Furbo, there is a certain irony in #hashtag, no?

    @Alyssa, you are never too old to be hip -- or a hipster (despite what the ad says). See "ponytail, bald men." Though I think of you as being hip in a good way.

    @Larissa, I thought it was Vozir keeping you sane. ;-)

    @Another David S., sorry, I was momentarily confused by your beard. ;-)

  7. I used to take Unpretentiousil back when no one knew about it.

    Additional fast-side-effect-speak: DoesnotworkinBrooklyn

  8. In the words of Huey Lewis, it's hip to be square. (Though quoting Huey Lewis lyrics probably disqualifies one from being hip.)

  9. @J. - For the record, the beard has left the building. (You know I always break out in a rash when I start getting too hip.)
