Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring Fever or Bieber Fever?

I think the warm weather is messing with my brain. Because just like the snow, I have found myself thawing toward tween-teen heartthrob Justin Bieber (though I still have no plans to see Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, which received one star on IMDB, nor does J-THREE-O, whose opinion of the Bieb has also warmed).

I think the thaw actually began a couple weeks ago with Bieber's appearances on David Letterman, which were pretty cute...

[He also gave Dave a lesson on tweeting a few days before, which was equally amusing.]

And then there was his really funny Best Buy Super Bowl ad with Ozzy Osborne...

And this brilliant article in Entertainment Weekly called "Justin Bieber: Why adults are scared of him. And why they should go see his movie," which talks about Davy Jones (Davy Jones!) and the Monkees and features a video of the Banana Splits. (Seriously, click on the link.)

But what may have put me over the top was watching the Justin Bieber Experience on glee Tuesday night. (We love glee, and it was one of their better episodes, IMO.)

So is it Bieber Fever or just Spring Fever? Whichever (though I am hoping it's the latter), I am suddenly finding it very hard to dislike the Bieb. Just could he please get that hair out of his eyes already?! It's driving me crazy.


  1. You forgot to mention SNL - he was pretty funny too. Come on, if I could see the movie in 3D you certainly could take it in 2D. Who knew he could sell out arenas? I didn't even know who Usher was until Friday night. Lots of fun. I think Beiber Fever is here to stay.

  2. My kids think he is a wuss, god bless them (I swear I had nothing to do with it) although I think if put in an isolation tank the daughter might go to the other side. Well I'm still breaking out in Bieber Hives. Perhaps there is a cure...

  3. Noooooooooooooo! I mean, I know we had Donny Osmond (who I was secretly engaged to. It was such a secret that even Donny didn't know), but Justin???

  4. @Cristina, OMG

    @David, There is no cure, except maybe puberty or menopause.

    @Ange, Fine. Since you feel that way, you are no longer invited to our engagement party. ;-P
