Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why can't the Mets win every game?

Or at least go on another 10-game winning streak? (Those two questions, btw, are rhetorical, for those of you who were going to say or comment "Because they SUCK!")

I know many of you think the New York Mets have gone to the dogs...

(Wonder if David Wright minds that some pooch is wearing his jersey. And yes, I left a "tip.")

And I know that many of you fair-weather Mets fans wouldn't bother to go all the way to Citi Field to watch a .500 team who has little chance of making the playoffs this year.

But I am a Metsochist, and when someone offers me free tickets to see my beloved Mets play at Citi Field (YOU ROCK, MR. B! THANK YOU!!!), I am not about to say no. And boy am I glad I said "yes."

This afternoon Mets Pitcher Johan Santana was masterful, pitching a complete game against the Colorado Rockies -- even getting a key hit. And despite (or maybe because of) David Wright not being in the lineup (Mike Hessman played third base), the Mets went on to beat the Rockies 4-0 -- in barely 2.5 hours.

Ironically, today's game was a near duplicate of the last game the spouse and I attended at Citi Field, around this time last year, where Santana likewise pitched against the Colorado Rockies -- and likewise pitched the Mets to a shutout victory in just 2.5 hours. We even sat in the exact same section (Excelsior 330) on the third base line as last year (albeit four rows further back).

It was a GREAT day for both me and the spouse and the New York Mets (except for Mets closer Francisco Rodriguez, who spent the day locked in a holding pen at Citi Field, awaiting arraignment for assaulting his fiancee's father).

And now we are seriously thinking of going back to Citi Field Saturday night to watch them play against the Philadelphia Phillies, while the kid spends the night at her grandmother's. (Though if Jerry Manual starts Oliver Perez Saturday, all bets are off.)

Here's hoping you had a great day! And remember, kids: Only four more weeks until football season officially begins!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why can't the Mets win every game? Uh, because they kind of suck, and their closer is in jail.

  3. @Dave S.: Good point. (Apologies in advance to EMM too.)

    @JWT: Hey, K-Rod didn't go to jail until this afternoon, and the Mets won anyway! (Probably just another grumpy Nationals fan. ;-P)
