Thursday, April 16, 2009

Win a date with Bill Clinton!

Talk about pimping your ride!

In a further effort to retire her campaign debt, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is offering several exciting prizes -- including a day with former President Bill Clinton in New York -- to those making a contribution of $5 or more. Other exciting prizes include tickets to the American Idol finale in Los Angeles and a tour of the nation's capital with James Carville and Paul Begala (a policy wonk's wet dream!).

I couldn't decide between Bill and Simon, so I contributed twice. (You can only select one prize per contribution.)

To make your contribution and win a chance to spend the day with Bill (or James and Paul or Simon, Randy, Paula, and Kara) go to

Btw, if I win the date with Bill, I guarantee I will not be wearing a thong.


  1. If his lunch suggestion is "pizza and cigars", RUN.

  2. Prizes? Really? Is this normal or just the Clintons? It seems so skeevy.


  3. "I Helped Retire Clinton's Debt and All I Got was This Blue Dress"

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
