Sunday, April 19, 2009

Today we're going to party like it's 1775

This weekend is Patriots Weekend up here in Massachusetts, where we are visiting friends and family for the weekend, and that means two things: reenactments of the Battles of Lexington and Concord...

and the Boston Marathon (which takes place tomorrow).

But getting back to the former, famous battles are not the only revolutionary events being reenacted the last few days (and through this weekend). All throughout the country, groups of angry (and ill-informed) protesters have been holding anti-tax tea parties a la the Boston Tea Party of 1773. (Though as New York Times columnist Gail Collins wrote recently, these protesters "were slightly different from colonial New Englanders on the minor point of having representation." She also pointed out that "the states where anti-tax sentiment is strongest are frequently the same states that get way more back from the federal government than they send in." But less us not get hung up on silly things like facts.)

In many cases, the protesters have been doing unsavory things to tea bags, which has led to some interesting punditry, including this gem from MSNB's David Schuster:

I believe this gives new meaning to the phrase "The British are coming."

Despite these protests, or because in this country you can have such protests and not have to worry about being tortured or jailed, I am proud to be an American (even if I am not a fan of the Patriots ; ).


  1. Facts Schmacks! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!

  2. With the graduated income tax those who consume taxes get more votes than those who pay them. People pay taxes, not states so that argument is just silly (especially with the preening over "facts") Moreover,the main reason of the protest is the enormous size of the deficit and the fact that we are raising taxes and deficit at the same time. Another part of it is the revolt against bailouts.

    Finally, as they now teach in Massachusetts schools, the Boston Tea Party and Bunker Hill had nothing to do with representation but was for the precious right of same-sex marriage.

  3. I hope those Redcoats aren't using the stone wall and trees as cover. That's against the rules!
