Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Big O

Before I get to "the big O" in the subject heading, which is for OBAMA, you filthy-minded people (though I love you all), I wanted to take a moment to share an interesting tidbit I read on MSNBC earlier this week, about that other big O. (And no, I am not referring to -- though boys, if you haven't bought your sweetie something sweet for V-Day, which amusingly shares the same initials as "venereal disease," let this serve as a reminder to you. Btw, The Fan, aka Sports Radio 66 WFAN, has a great-sounding promotion running on Just go to and click on the radio microphone in the upper right-hand corner and type in either "JoeB" or "Craig" by this Friday and you can get your honey two dozen assorted roses in a vase along with some truffles for only $39.99! And no, I don't make a commission on sales. Just trying to help out.)

But getting back to the article on MSNBC titled "Even great sex can end in post-coital blues"... A guy in his thirties writes in to Brian Alexander, who authors the Sexploration column for MSNBC (which happens to be very entertaining and educational and not at all dirty or smutty), that after doing the deed, he almost immediately gets depressed and wants to bolt.

As Mr. Alexander writes to the young man, "what you seem to be experiencing has a name (other than 'You bastard!' that is). It is 'post-coital tristesse,' a Latin-French phrase that makes the whole thing sound sophisticated and much more romantic than 'sadness after sex.'”

Apparently, the better the sex, the more the guy wants to get out of dodge (bastard!). Or as Mr. Alexander writes, "The more satisfying the sex with a woman, the duller you get." Oo lucky us!

There is even a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. But I will leave it to you to click on the link above and read about it. (It's short, like... well. I'll just leave it at that. ; O). Though I will add this: Girlfriends, instead of wondering why that guy never called, now you can say to yourselves with confidence, "I just wore him out."

Now getting back to that other used-to-be-taboo subject, politics...

Here is the latest A.P. delegate count:

Clinton 845
Obama 765
Needed 2,025

McCain 613
Romney 269
Huckabee 190
Needed 1,191

What does this mean? It means we got another nine months of "straight talk," double talk, and talk show appearances before this thing is really decided. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE.

Don't get me wrong. I like politics. Was even a Poli Sci major in college and went on to get a master's degree in International Relations. But this campaign has been going on FOREVER (or maybe it just seems that way), and the more I know or find out, the more nervous I get.

I voted for Obama, "the candidate of change representing the future," but early yesterday morning had second thoughts and toyed with voting for "the candidate with experience," aka Hillary. Then I read this column by New York Times columnist David Brooks, the paper's formerly Conservative columnist who some time last year apparently went to Sweden for a mysterious operation and came back if not exactly a Liberal much more moderate. And it sent chills through me. (Shades of W.) Read it and judge for yourself. I know there are two or more sides to every story, but I found this account not unbelievable.

As for the Republican race, I leave that to my fellow bloggers to dissect. Though I will say, while "I [heart] Huckabee" may make for a cute bumper sticker, there ain't gonna be no President Huckabee. Nor do I think this country is going to elect a Mormon president. Which leaves McCain, who is way more conservative than people are giving him credit for and I bet still has that nasty temper -- and is pro-war and pro-tax cut, not a good combination if you want this country to recover economically. Yeah, he seems like a nice guy. But please folks, can we stop voting for the guy we most want to have a beer with? Look where that got us the last two elections.

1 comment:

  1. To complete the thought, we on the Right call the swooning over Barak among a certain kind of educated lefty "Obamasms."
