Monday, February 4, 2008

Best... Super Bowl... EVER.

Well, maybe not if you are a Patriots fan. But I think if you asked a bunch of forty- or fiftysomething guys if last night's contest between the as-yet undefeated New England Patriots and the 13 - 6 (including postseason play) New York Giants ranked up there among the greatest Super Bowls (as I did), they would say "yes." Unless they were a bunch of lyin', cheatin', no-good Cowboys' or Steelers' fans. (I might forgive Jets' fans for citing Super Bowl III, though, when Joe and the boys defeated the popular Baltimore Colts.)

Somewhere (I'm guessing mostly in Florida) there are a bunch of drunk or hungover '72 Dolphins and their fans still celebrating.

I admit, I am now and always have been a Giants' fan. But there was a part of me -- and at least one guy at the party we attended -- who wouldn't have been totally crushed to see the Pats go all the way. Though the charges of cheating and the off-field play of Mr. GQ QB (who, I admit, is certainly one of the hardest working QBs there is) had worn away my bon ami over the course of the season. (In case you hadn't heard, there's now some evidence that the Pats illegally taped the Rams before that Super Bowl. That aside, I must say, VERY classy of Mister Bill to run over to Coach Coughlin with a second left on the clock and give him a big ole bear hug.)

Btw, I have not read or watched the news yet (either last night or this morning), but I bet anything that a bunch of folks are going to cite Tom Brady's high ankle sprain as the reason the Pats didn't perform better. Oh boo hoo hoo. Plaxico played with a bum knee AND a bad ankle and he seemed to do OK.

I don't have a problem with young Eli being named the MVP, but the real cause of last night's triumph (or defeat, depending on your point of view)? DE-FENSE. That Giants defense ROCKED, baby.

My mantra whenever the Pats had the ball and Brady was about to throw or pass was "sack, pick, fumble," and I have to say, I was pretty effective. Brady went down so many times that Gisele must have been envious.

(Btw, thank you, Fox Sports, for the many shots of Gisele sipping red wine in a luxury box, which you flashed us all evening. That was riveting TV. Btw, anyone know why Peytie Pie was all alone in that other luxury box? I heard that Eli requested that his mom and dad and fiancee sit in the stands, but I am surprised the camera didn't pan to them. If they did, I missed it. Archie Manning -- and Olivia, of course -- sure has a lot to be proud of: back-to-back Super Bowl wins and MVPs for his two younger sons. I pity the sons of other NFL greats right now.)

Getting back to the game...

Wow. That's really all I have to say. WoW. And that catch by David Tyree in the fourth quarter? Un-effing-believable, baby. As young Eli said, "David Tyree, man, that's all you've got to say."

It is surely a game that will go down in history. I know I will be watching highlight film whenever I can sneak a peak at the TV today. Wow, wow, wow.

In other Super Bowl-related news...

Not only was it a good night for the Giants, but it was a good night for the mister, too. Two winning boxes in the Super Bowl pool. Yeah baby. (Before you start asking for a little somethin'-somethin', it wasn't that much and the kid already took a cut.)

Wish I could say the same for those Super Bowl ads. What a dissapointing lot. Though the ad for amp energy drink (Warning: Do Not Attempt) was pretty hysterical, in a sick, could-only-have-been-conceived-by-some-twisted-thirtysomething-guy kind of way.

But kudos to Tom Petty. That boy (who must be, what?, at least 60) still can rock it. A most excellent half-time show (though I also liked Prince).

And that wraps it up for me. Now, to the videotape...

1 comment:

  1. By far the best Super Bowl I've ever seen (though I enjoyed the Bucs' rout of the Raiders several years back somewhat more, being a Bucs fan and all...). Wow.

    I was SO pulling for the Giants, but I really didn't think they'd win. I lost a buck on it, in fact, a buck I am SO happy to have lost. Generally, I'm indifferent to the G-Men, but I hate the Patriots with the white hot-heat of 10,000 suns. And I am also a Dolphins fan, so I wanted to see the '72 record preserved.

    Eli Manning stayed cool -- gotta give him TONS of credit. But really, I think the D deserved the MVP award. It's hard to pick which one, since all contributed. That 4-man front was phenomenal, and it was so sweet to see Strahan smiling his gap-toothed smile. He was amazing and relentless.

    In the last few minutes, when the Patsies drove down and re-took the lead, I was so disgusted and resigned to another Evil Empire victory that I actually changed channels and watched about 30 seconds of "Sense and Sensibility" (hubby was snoring away on the sofa next to me, or I wouldn't have gotten away with that).

    But then, thank GOD, I thought, "I've just gotta see the end" and changed back to the game. Didn't miss a moment, including Manning's incredible scramble away from a certain sack and Tyree's unbe-freaking-lievable hand-to-helmet catch. Wow. Just wow. Congrats G-Men and fans!
