Friday, January 20, 2017

The GOP vs ISIS: A Comparison

After reading yesterday that the Trump administration planned to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), as well as privatizing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which is a bit of an oxymoron), ostensibly as part of an effort to reduce government spending (even though eliminating all three of these programs would barely make a dent in the federal budget), I thought to myself, 'Huh, you know who else hates the arts and wants to destroy them? Radical Islamists (aka ISIS)!'

That led me to wondering what else Conservative Republicans (cutting arts funding was the brainchild of Conservative thank tank Heritage Foundation) and Radical Islamists had in common. So I did some research and created this handy little chart. And gee whiz! The GOP and ISIS have way more in common than we thought!

Conservative Republicans
Radical Islamists
Want to subjugate women; believe women should be seen (if they are attractive) but not heard
Want to subjugate women; believe women should be neither seen nor heard
Abhor homosexuality
Abhor homosexuality
Resent the educated, dislike/distrust institutions of higher learning
Resent the educated, dislike/distrust institutions of higher learning
Believe Christianity is the one true religion
Believe Islam is the one true religion
Little or no tolerance for unbelievers or other faiths
Little or no tolerance for unbelievers or other faiths
Disdain the arts, want to defund
Disdain the arts, want to destroy
Will use whatever means necessary (gerrymandering, fake news) to secure their goals/leadership

Will use whatever means necessary (propaganda, bombs) to secure their goals/leadership

Also, while poking around the Internets (looking for a map I saw a while back showing the United States as a bunch of -stans*), I came across these two maps of the world.

This first one shows Ronald Reagan's view of the world, back in the 1980s:

The second map illustrates Donald Trump's view of the world in 2016:

Pretty interesting, no?

*If any of you find a link to that map, please send it to me.


  1. One of your best, J! I love it. Sadly, the Democrats are not spotless, either. This is why I side with Bernie, who always talks about the issues, and as an Independent, is not beholden to the party establishment.

  2. One of my favorite signs at the Women's March on DC said "Make Margaret Atwood Fiction Again."
