Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Nothing to laugh about

I started this blog, nearly eight years ago, as a way to amuse myself and, hopefully, some of my friends and family members. I had some funny stories to tell -- and I wanted to share my thoughts (and, okay, snark) about the 2008 presidential election and American Idol.

 Despite the financial crisis and other bad things going on in the world, I remember feeling hopeful -- and was excited to share my thoughts (about politics, books, bikinis, and sports, among other things) and hear (or read) yours.

And while the economy is technically no longer in crisis, and we don't have daily terror alerts, I no longer feel hopeful. And I find little to laugh about.

I am sick and tired of and depressed about living in a world that glorifies people like the Kardashians, and makes celebrities out of people who are willing to do all sorts of horrible or ridiculous or crazy things for 15 minutes of fame or a million dollars -- and that there are millions of people who eat this stuff up and cheer them on. 

I am sick and tired of and depressed by the fact that you can go broke being sick and tired and depressed in this country.

I am sick and tired of and depressed by all the gun violence and our inability to pass reasonable gun control laws.

I am sick and tired of and depressed by the Republicans in Congress who are so consumed by hatred for Barack Obama (and the Democrats) that they refuse to pass legislation that could help millions of Americans, including their constituents.

I am sick and tired of and depressed by all the lies Conservative talk show hosts and politicians spew, and that so many people so readily believe them.

I am sick and tired of and depressed by the fact that women have to choose between having a career and having a family -- or being "a good mother."

I am sick and tired of and depressed by the high cost of college.

I am sick and tired of and depressed by what has happened to journalism, or what now passes for journalism, and the decline (or elimination) of fact checking. 

I am sick and tired of and depressed by all the narcissism and self absorption in our society.

And I am depressed by the lack of civil discourse in this country -- and knowing that soon after I publish this post someone, probably someone I know, is going to leave an anonymous comment ranting and raving about Obama and the Democrats, and/or defending Americans' right to own hundreds of guns (which is not what I wrote), and spewing all kinds of hate and inaccuracies.


  1. Speaking truth again still a fav
    But can't afford them!

  2. Leave mah guns alone!

    Nah, I hear you and often feel the same way. Le sigh.

  3. That made me laugh, @Dave S. Thank you.

  4. I feel much the same. Second the Le Sigh comment.

    But I have missed you!!!!

  5. Thank you, @VB. Nice to be missed.

  6. I hope that writing about it helps, because it sure helps to read your thoughts. Yes, there's a lot to be concerned about. Yet, the world keeps spinning, and I'm trying to keep the lights on in my patch.

  7. Thanks for the comment, @lindaroo!

    Just took a look at your blog. Your quilts are GORGEOUS! Wish I could make something beautiful and practical like that. Wow.
