Sunday, May 3, 2015

The difference between Mets fans & Yankees fans

The spouse and I are off to see the New York Mets play the Washington Nationals (aka the Nats) today at Citi Field. I bought the tickets a couple weeks ago, when the Mets were on what became an 11-game winning streak. (Though I probably would have purchased tickets anyway.)

What a difference a week makes.

At 16-9, the Mets are still well over .500, and are still in first place in the National League East. (For now.) And Matt Harvey, their pitching ace, has started the season an impressive 5 and 0 (though he doesn't look nearly as dominant as he did two years ago). So the Mets should at least win one out of five games. But that feeling of elation among Mets fans as the Mets entered Yankee Stadium last weekend has pretty much evaporated.

[I am as likely, and as often, to grumble "Do not f*ck this up, Mets!" as I am to scream "Let's go Mets!" And I have also begun thanking Jesus when the infield or a base runner doesn't make an error and/or a Met scores, which amuses the spouse to no end.*]

Sure, sure, there are plenty of Mets fans who still think this could be the year. But I would hazard that the majority of Mets fans, while hoping that the team will make it to the playoffs this year, are pretty much waiting for the team to implode, as they have done every year for nearly 10 years now.

And therein lies the difference between Mets fans and Yankees fans (and Mets fans and Nats fans and St. Louis Cardinals fans and San Francisco Giants fans).

Yankees (and Cardinals and Giants and Nats) fans expect their team to win, and are surprised and disappointed when it loses. Mets fans expect their team to lose, and are surprised and elated when it wins. 

Which is why when my daughter asked me this morning, "Are you excited about going to see the Mets?" I replied, "At least it's supposed to be a nice day. Ask me when I get home." 

UPDATED: Maybe the Mets should change their slogan from "Ya gotta believe" to "Hope for the best, expect the worst." As feared, the Mets lost to the Nats (again), 1-0, making several errors and squandering several opportunities. Sigh.

*Because we're Jewish. But then again, so was Jesus.


  1. I like the footnote.



  2. Pretty much sums it up. We have been led down this garden path before (read every year). They give us just enough hope that THIS year will be different.

    I guess we are the football that Charlie Brown keeps attempting to kick. Black and blue with hope.

  3. Maybe the Mets should change their slogan from "Ya gotta believe" to "Hope for the best, expect the worst." :-(

  4. Kindly do not lump Nats fans in with Yankees fans. There is a difference between expecting good things from a good team and blind entitlement regardless of the product on the field.

    That being said, this Nats fan is impressed by the Mets' start and wishes them sufficient success to come in second in the NL East. I'm generous like that.
