Sunday, April 26, 2015

The power of art (my latest artwork + how a weekly drawing class saved my sanity, sort of)

I have been very S.A.D.* this winter. More so than usual. Hence the decrease in blog posts.

Part of the reason is how unseasonably cold, and gray, and snowy it has been here in the Northeast (and still is, though the snow has seemingly, finally, stopped), which makes me not want to do anything. Not like I could, what with all the snow we had.

Part of my depression is due to feeling stuck, both professionally and geographically, which I feel more accutely in winter. (Working from home is both a blessing and a curse. Nice to not have to commute, but I miss being around people. Though the cats think I am very witty and don't judge me.)

And just about anyone would (or should) feel depressed reading the news these days, which I do too much of. (Sometimes, okay, all the time, I feel like one of the few sane, or rational, people left on this Earth -- like the people who are constantly fighting off the zombies on The Walking Dead.)

But one thing has kept me (relatively) sane this past winter. And no, it's not my football, or basketball, teams, which totally SUCKED this past season. (I have put my Jets and Knicks fandom on hold, though I am still rooting for the NY Giants. Love me some Odell Beckham, Jr.)

The one thing that has helped to keep me sane, and gotten me out of the house this past winter? Art. Specifically my weekly two-hour Colored Pencils class, sponsored by our local Continuing Education department.

This somewhat frivolous activity has forced me to not only get out of the house, but it has helped me  rediscover my creative side (though I am still struggling with my writing), and given me something to feel good about. (The teacher and the women I draw with are lovely, very supportive and nurturing.)

You might say art has been my savior. (A picture is worth a thousand anti-depressants?) And although I have been known to gnash my teeth and curse during the first 30 to 60 minutes of each class (I am a bit of a perfectionist, and impatient, and drawing is hard!), the results (shown below) have been worth it, IMHO.

This last one, my "Portrait of a Little Girl," is my favorite (and, I think, best) work. Having never taken a class in portraiture, I'm particularly proud of it.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this post. I look forward to being back to my witty, not-quite-so-blue self soon.

*S.A.D. stands for both Seasonal Affective Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, both of which I suffer from, and with.


  1. I'm a regular reader and I appreciate your thoughtful analysis and reflections on life. I rarely comment, but your artwork demands admiration! Fabulous! And wonderful that it connects you with good people and good times.

  2. Dear lindaroo, thank you for your comment. You made my day (and quite possibly my week). Most of my readers (at least the ones I know of) are friends and family. So it means a lot to hear from someone outside of my email list. Thanks for chiming in. Much appreciated.

  3. Slowest spring ever
    It almost feels like autumn
    Your art is beauty
