Friday, July 12, 2013

Negotiating with your teenage daughter

That post title? It's a lie. You cannot negotiate with teenage girls. Oh, you can try, but it won't do you any good.

Exhibit A

The scene: A video chat with the teenager, who is studying in France.

The spouse: So, do you need us to bring you anything?

[We are about to fly to France to visit the teenager and celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.]

The teenager: Could you go to Penzey's [amazing spice store not particularly close to here though not that far] and get me some Tandoori spice?

Me: I am not going to Penzey's to get you Tandoori spice.

The teenager: Then why did you ask me if I needed anything?

Me: I have to run errands in town and go to Stop & Shop -- and have things to do. If they have Tandoori spice at Stop & Shop, I'll get some, but I am not going to Penzey's.

[Teenager is pouting.]

The spouse: If I have time tomorrow, I will go to Penzey's. [Big smile from teenager.] What do you need Tandoori spice for?

The teenager: We invited over H and C [two girls in her program] and we all love Indian food, but we don't have any Tandoori spice. 

Me: Okay, I'm going to run errands. Bye.

Meanwhile at Stop & Shop... there is no Tandoori spice to be had. Jamaican spice? Yah mon. Italian spice? Si. Herbes de Provence? Oui. Moroccan spice? Yup. Dozens of spices representing practically every ethnic cuisine, but no Indian or Tandoori spice (though they did have Curry spice and turmeric and coriander).

Two spice aisles and ten minutes later, I was back in my car, heading nearly half an hour away to Penzey's. Sigh.

[Note to the teenager if you are reading this: No, I did not get that amazing-looking Indian spice gift pack. I got you a small container of Tandoori spice, which I bubble-wrapped and will pack in my suitcase. However, had I seen that gift pack, I would have purchased it as a gift for your host mom. And no, I am not going back to Penzey's to get it.]

1 comment:

  1. You are a great MOM. I am sure she appreciates it!
