Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'd rather be on Hawaii

Those of you who know me (or regularly read this blog) know I am not a fan of winter -- and bolt for warmer climes whenever I can.

For my latest escape, I flew to the Big Island of Hawaii. (Alternate title of this blog post, "Hawaii J-TWO-O.") It was actually the teenager's idea. And what a fabulous idea it was.

While I had been to Kauai (with the spouse, on business), when the teenager was a baby, and to Maui, seven years ago (for a big birthday, which was a big disappointment), we had never been to the Big Island (aka Hawaii). While Hawaii doesn't have the lush greenery or multiple white sand beaches like Kauai and Maui do, it has many other charms, such as...

Coffee. OMG. If you like coffee, Kona coffee is the best. And you can find dozens of varieties, from small growers to plantations, on the Big Island. (Interestingly, there is practically no decaf as their is no decaffeination plant on the island -- too expensive.)

Delicious (and exotic) fruits and vegetables. The Saturday Farmers Market at the Keauhou Shopping Center is amazing. Had I known how much I would love dragon fruit...

I would have bought a dozen. (Who knew there was only one guy who grew/sold them on the island -- and that he'd head off to California for a week?)

We were also quite fond of the romanesco, a cross between broccoli and cauliflower.

(Do you think there's any money in being a vegetable photographer? Anyone have a beloved veggie they want a portrait of?)

And the flowers! So beautiful.

And the waterfalls! Amazing.

(Though couldn't they come up a better name than "Akaka" for this waterfall?)

Speaking of water, I could watch the waves crash against the rocks all day...

(The spouse has a way better, smarter phone than I do.)

Indeed, there were so many beautiful spots on Hawaii, it is hard to pick just one. But the Pololu Valley Lookout in the north (be sure to have lunch at Sushi Rock either on the way there or back)...

and the infinity pool at the base of Mauka Meadows, a fabulous botanical garden and coffee place...

were among my favorites. (That last shot doesn't look real, does it? And did I mention, free coffee?)

Sigh. I could go on (and on), but I won't.

Aloha a hui hou, Hawaii....

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