Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy Hanukkah, Bitches

Friend of the blog Another David S. sent me this Hanukkah video from Bubala Please, titled "Making Latkes" (which was sent to him by his mother), and I just had to share.

WARNING: Some of the language in this video is definitely NOT KOSHER. So probably best not to watch it with kinder in the room.

And if you liked the first Hanukkah episode from Bubala Please, be sure to watch Episode 2, "Hanukkah Bush," below.

WARNING: The language in this video is also inappropriate for kinder, bubbehs, too.

I so want to pimp out a Hanukkah bush right now and eat some latkes.

On a more G-rated note (G being for Geek), check out this amazing instructional video on how to light a menorah -- with a robot and a little nitroglycerin -- created by the Jewish nerds at the Israel Institute of Technology, aka The Technion.

[A tip of the kippah to fellow blogger Dave S., a real mensch, for that excellent video.]

Wishing all my Jewish friends (you goyim, too) a MF good Hanukkah.


  1. I'm not Jewish, but are those Latkes as good as they sound? Fried potatoes? What's not to love? Thanks for the laughs, and Happy Hanukkah!

  2. @Jim, You haven't lived until you've had latkes! I like the traditional potato variety as well as sweet potato and vegetable latkes -- with a little apple sauce (no sour cream).
