Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I want a deep-fried turkey

I saw this video, titled "Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix*," featuring Master Thespian and deep-fried turkey lover William Shatner, on a friend's Facebook page. And, of course, I had to share it with all of you, if only so that I would not be the only one singing "I want a deep-fried turkey. I want a moister, tastier turkey" to myself for the next 24 hours.

Wishing everyone a tasty and safe Thanksgiving.

Dingle dangle. Dingle dangle.

*Though it should be called "Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Thanksgiving Tale."

1 comment:

  1. That is too good. I so want Bill Shatner frying me up a turket!
