Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Comedian in Chief?

Earlier this week, President Barack Obama slow jammed the news with Jimmy Fallon. Then last night he yucked it up with the likes of Jimmy Kimmel at the 2012 White House Correspondents' dinner.

Which left me thinking, if this whole "president" thing doesn't work out for Barack Obama, maybe he could persuade HBO or Comedy Central to give him his own stand-up or comedy or variety show. (I can totally see Barry and Michelle as the next Sonny and Cher.)


  1. He just lost all the hockey moms.

  2. And probably the pitbull owners. ;-)

  3. Can you imagine Mitt or Newt or, g-d forbid, Santorum delivering one of these routines?

  4. I would love to see them try, though not if it means they were president.
