Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Would someone please have sex with Rush Limbaugh?

Sorry for the disturbing visual/request, but I guarantee you that if Rush Limbaugh was having mind-blowing sex on a regular basis, he wouldn't rant and rave so much about other people's sex lives. (Hey, maybe that chick who did it with Eliot Spitzer, Ashley Alexandra Dupre, would do the deed, as a public service.)

Also, too, for those of you who didn't see Stephen Colbert's segment titled "Rush Limbaugh Apologizes to Sandra Fluke" on the Colbert Report the other night, take a look.

While I think Al Franken summed it up best when he wrote "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot," Stephen Colbert's analysis is a close second.


  1. I would take a bullet you you, but on this one-you ae on your own!

  2. Not with 10 billion ShamWows. Also too, Mr. Colbert is the Jonathan Swift of our time.

  3. @Anonymous, you'd take a bullet for me, but not a few sperm?

  4. Hate to be sexist in this context, but I'll have to go with "Ladies first."

  5. That was great. But did you see Jon Stewart's piece? Loved the tagline - "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gross". Classic.
