Sunday, March 18, 2012

Which half-naked man would you rather have as President?

This guy...

Or... this guy...

Re the picture of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum sunbathing in Puerto Rico (at top), who has since apologized for frightening God-fearing Christian families with that shocking photo,which folder would you file it in, "pornography" or "contraceptives"?

Re President Barack Obama, I think I speak on behalf of women everywhere when I say, now there's a chest we can believe in.

Similarly, I think I speak for Americans everywhere when I say, please, Newt, keep your shirt on.

[Re the tags, maybe I should create one titled "political uncoverage."]


  1. What choice???? Barry's big strong arms can carry me another 4 years-swoon.

  2. No contest here! Poor Rick. Someone needs to get thay guy a shirt pronto!
