Thursday, January 12, 2012

Obama should hire this Gingrich guy to help run his reelection campaign

With GOP attack ads like these, who needs to spend money on their own ads, eh, Mr. President?

So much for Newt Gingrich not going negative! (Though I am not complaining.)

On a related note, if you all haven't seen Jon Stewart's commentary on the pack of GOP presidential candidates rabidly attacking one of their own -- Mitt Romney -- after proclaiming the need to stick together, take a gander.

I love when Stewart says "You're mad at Mitt Romney? For God sakes, it's like Mitt Romney answered the Republicans' eHarmony ad and now you're saying it's unfair, that it's not what you meant." Yup.


  1. I heart Jon Stewart!

  2. The Obama campaign is smart to sit back and let the GOP do some heavy lifting. Their eventual theme: "Hey, It's Not Just Us Saying This."

  3. It's nice to see the Republicans in circular firing squad formation instead of the Democrats for a change...
