Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A sugar cereal by any other name...

Still has a shitload of sugar. So reports the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which just published its analysis of 84 children's breakfast cereals.

Per the EWG report, "a one-cup serving of [Kellogg's Honey Smacks -- known as Sugar Smacks back in my day] packs more sugar than a Hostess Twinkie, and one cup of any of the 44 other children’s cereals has more sugar than three Chips Ahoy! cookies." To which I say, does this really come as a big surprise, people?! Just because Kellogg's changed the name from Sugar Smacks to Honey Smacks, that makes it health food? I think not, but bravo to Kellogg's marketing team! Well done!

FWIW, my three favorite breakfast cereals as a kid, Sugar Smacks, Apple Jacks, and Froot Loops, which were plentiful in my house growing up (though not Cocoa Puffs, which had -- shudder -- chocolate and was thus banned), all made the 10 Worst Children's Cereals list (while Cocoa Puffs did not -- ahem).

Quick aside: I would like to take this opportunity to posthumously apologize to my father, who always said it was healthier to have a couple of Pepperidge Farm oatmeal raisin cookies than a big bowl of cereal in the morning. You were right, dad!

So, what were some of your favorite cereals as a kid -- and what do you feed your children now? (I had a bowl of Puffins Peanut Butter & Chocolate cereal with a little Fiber One this morning, while the kid had Cheerios with banana.) Did any of those cereals make the Environmental Working Group's 10 Worst Cereals list? Let me know via the comments.


  1. The best part about both Froot Loops and Apple Jacks was the cloud of sugary "other" goodness that emptied out into the bowl. That was living!

  2. Cap'n Crunch made the list; it was one of my childhood favorites. The kiddo cereal I never outgrew and currently allow my daughter to eat (so I can swipe a bowl now and then) is Lucky Charms. It didn't make the list, but I don't kid myself about Lucky Charms' nutritional value.

  3. I was cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and my mom thought it was okay because I'd drink the chocately milk (I wouldn't drink plain old white milk). Cocoa Krispies were pretty yummy too.

  4. As a child, sweet cereals were strictly forbidden in my house (Thank God for sleepovers!). As I got older and rebelled, I used to love Captain Crunch, the world's most popular "extruded" cereal. Cruchberries were a bonus!

  5. We were strictly a Kellogg's household (kind of like being GM driving family)... ya know "Best to you each morning..." We had no idea where Battle Creek was, but we knew that Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Crispies came from there... Neither of those made the list, and both (unfortunately) have also been reformulated taste wise... and as they know in our household, I'm a Puffins addict now.

  6. This via email from my mother:

    "Gosh... I’ve done you wrong again! Belated apologies for not allowing Cocoa Puffs. Didn’t we also have Special K around? Do you recall ever eating it? As for oatmeal, which the panel recommends, I have yet to meet a small child who would eat it unless it was drowned in sugar, maple syrup, or honey."

    I replied that she should have just let me have brownies for breakfast (though she did let me have ice cream on occasion). :-) (To be fair, I believe we did have Special K when I was older.) Re oatmeal, I didn't touch the stuff until college, and like mine with a little brown sugar, raisins, and banana.

  7. @Betty + @Edward, I had several friends in college who lived off Cap'n Crunch. As for Lucky Charms, I don't think I ever had them, but I hear they are magically delicious.

  8. Kellog's Frosted Flakes. They're Great!

  9. Loved, loved, loved Cap'n Crunch. However, I was a purist - no peanut butter and ffs no crunchberries! Also, Super Sugar Crisp.

    I've been meaning to try Puffins. I currently like Kashi's Strawberry Fields.
