Friday, November 4, 2011

Mmm... Velveeta...

After six days without power -- or heat, or running water, or school -- my brain is about the consistency of melted Velveeta. Which is no doubt why I find this cheesy commercial for Velveeta Cheesy Skillets so hysterical. Or it could be I've been reading too many romance novels (the spouse's theory).

Anyone else find they have a strange craving for Velveeta... or a hunky blacksmith?


  1. Geez, the power is STILL out? Crumbling infrastructure anybody?

    I get a kick out of that commercial too. Mostly because of the look on the woman's face.

  2. Power came back on last night, but due to lack of sleep and stress, my brain has the consistency of processed cheese food. Also, too, would like to smite our local utility and selectman with that skillet.

  3. Yes, Hubby is right, though wrong on the 'too many' part

    I love the SMITE!!!! We need to use the word everyday!

  4. Pool in the basement
    Still no heat or hot water
    Black mold on the fridge

  5. @larissa, I hear Velveeta never goes bad. Also, too, Santa Barbara.
