Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street explained in 60 seconds

Today marks the one month anniversary of protesters occupying Wall Street (even though most of the investment banking houses whose leaders and practices they are protesting against moved out of the Wall Street area to midtown Manhattan years ago). Yet even as the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to grow, and spawn similar protests around the globe, many (most?) people, including many politicians, are unsure what specifically the protesters are protesting -- or simply don't get it.

Though not former Florida Representative Alan Grayson, who provided this succinct explanation of the Occupy Wall Street movement on a recent Real Time with Bill Maher.

Get that man a bongo drum -- and a seat in Congress!

Btw, is it just me, or does Alan Grayson remind you just a wee bit of Howard Beale in Network -- and his famous "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore" speech, which is just as if not more relevant today than it was 35 years ago.


  1. Preach it, Brother Grayson. I wish he'd run for governor of Florida. If he could get the Democratic nomination, he'd surely win because this state can't wait to scrape Rick Scott off its shoe...

  2. I love it! I want to share this with NCC. May I?

  3. @Martha, you may!

    @Betty, start a petition! :-)

  4. I'm mad as hell and I wish I had time to go occupy Wall Street!
