Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do chicks dig guys with gray hair?

Contrary to what those Just for Men commercials would have you guys believe, chicks do dig guys with gray hair.

Don't believe me? I've got two words for you: Anderson Cooper (whose new afternoon talk show is creating quite a stir, or maybe it's just Anderson's abs).

Not convinced you say? What about George Clooney, who is clearly not afraid to let his gray hang out -- and has zero problem attracting attractive women.

Granted, not every guy can pull off gray (or is George Clooney), but is gray or graying hair really a problem, ladies? Do you find guys with gray or graying hair really less attractive?

And guys, do you really see gray or graying hair as a problem? (Maybe it's because I watch a lot of baseball and football, and listen to too much sports talk radio, but graying hair -- and baldness -- seems to be right up there with losing one's house, bad credit scores, and possible bankruptcy.)

Let me know your thoughts via the Comments.


  1. I have no problem at all with a little -- or even a lot -- of salt in the pepper.

    BTW, I utterly despise those stupid "Just for Men" commercials, which I find offensive because they imply that women are so dumb and shallow that they would rudely reject a dude for a few gray hairs and then turn around and pounce on the very same man after he adds a little shoe polish to his beard. A little projection going on there? Maybe.

  2. Say it loud. I'm gray and I'm proud!

  3. @Betty....How many women do you know who have a natural hair on their head ???

  4. @ Anonymous -- me, for one, and I sport a white streak right in the front. When I started going gray, my mom realized it was futile to try to keep up appearances with a graying daughter running around, so she quit dyeing her hair too. So there's two.

    Of course, many more women than men dye their hair. The reasons for that are far too numerous to recount in a blog comment box.

  5. Speaking for myself, I am more sensitive to gray in facial hair as opposed to gray on top. Toward the end of my Bearded Time (ca. 11-12 BT) I began to carefully remove the few pigment-challenged hairs that began appearing, and resolved that when a certain threshold of PC-ness was reached, the beard would come off. Right after the beginning of BT 13, however, a spectacular beard-trimming mishap forced my hand, as it were, and the whole thing came off. Shortly thereafter I discovered that I was at the age at which observations that I looked 20 years younger without the beard carried a lot of weight.

  6. @Dave S., Have I mentioned recently that you look 20 years younger without the beard (and the glasses)?

    @Betty, You are made of stronger stuff than I, though I will probably let the gray come in for good in a few years (mainly because I'm cheap and lazy). Also, those Just for Men ads totally crack me up, precisely because they are so incredibly sexist and ridiculous. (And have you ever noticed that the women featured are almost always bleached blondes with fake boobs? Ahem.)

    @MAF, I'm getting you a box of Just for Men for Hanukkah.

    @Anonymous, define "natural." ;-)

  7. "Natural" The grey hairs on my chest and head !!! Like you J....Too cheap and lazy, I prefer to grow old disgracefully !!!

    I like to think a "little" grey is distinguished, but I might of course simply be deluding myself !!!

    @Betty...Fair play to you.

  8. Oh...I forgot to say that is does also help that I could easily pass as a twin to Mr Clooney !!! Ahem...........

  9. Involved with one now. Totally dig them. Richard Gere was, is and always will be (well if he keeps up the appearances) HOT in my book. Those commercials are absolute crap and I don't get it. And no, I do not dye my hair AND got my firs gray hair at 18!

  10. My wife likes the gray, and out of my group of 7 friends, only two of us have a full head of hair. I'll take the gray...
