Sunday, July 3, 2011

A little Fourth of July music

I love John Philip Sousa and the Boston Pops as much as the next gal, but I'm tired of hearing the same old patriotic ditties year after year. So this year I'm offering up some alternative Fourth of July music.

First, I highly recommend Schoolhouse Rock's "Fireworks," which is both fun and educational!

Next, give a listen to Josh Turner's "Firecracker."

(I like American Idol's Scotty McCreery, but he's no Josh Turner.)

And (at least for me) it wouldn't be July 4th without a little "Afternoon Delight," a song that I will forever associate with my first summer at sleepaway camp and July 4th (and, more recently, the movie Anchorman and glee).

Finally the late great James Cagney singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (because I'm a sucker for old movie musicals).

So what do you like to listen to on the Fourth of July?

(Here's what Michael Behrenhausen of Reverb thinks are the best Fourth of July songs. Do you agree?)

Wishing one and all a fun yet safe Fourth...


  1. I've had the stereo turned up to high all week end to drown out the constant fire works explosions outside in an otherwise quiet neighborhood. Thank you Kentukcy Legeslature for your efforts at economic stimuation by letting everyone buy all the fireworks they can afford right down the street!

  2. I think my favorite 4th of July music of all time was one year when we were living in Augusta, GA, which is right on the South Carolina border, and we went to hear the local Army band playing at the city festivities down on the river dividing the two states. When they played the 1812 Overture and got to the cannons, they not only used real cannons, but they used real BIG cannons, and they aimed them directly at South Carolina. To this day we talk about the day the Army went to war on South Carolina. :)

    Seriously, though, I love the traditional marching band favorites. Call me an old fogey, but they're the music of my childhood 4th of Julys and therefore the ones I associate most with. I have to admire your selection of "Afternoon Delight," however! Love that song, silly and thinly veiled though it may be!

  3. Afternoon Delight is one of the songs I can remember hearing in the car when I was 5-6 years old. It's one of my favorite classics. Happy 4th to you and have a rib for me! :)

  4. @Charlene, I feel/hear your pain. :-(

    @Laura, great story -- and nothing wrong with the "classics."

    @Sugar Daze, and please FedEx some of those gorgeous red velvet whoopie pies and Fourth of July cupcake cones! :-)
