Friday, May 20, 2011

Proof the cats really do love me

Because a picture is worth a thousand words -- and a thousand grains of cat litter...

Found this token of the cats' affection (a heart-shaped clump of peed upon cat litter) when I went to clean the cat boxes this morning. Not sure which cat -- Felix or Flora -- left it for me, but I don't care. My cats love me! They truly love me!


  1. LMAO! You should post this on eBay immediately! Seriously, some casino paid 20 large for a piece of burnt toast that looked vaguely like the Virgin Mary. There must be some rich old cat lady who would buy this feline love token.

  2. I hope you washed the cookie cutter thoroughly afterwards !!!!

  3. You are paying entirely too much attention to what your scooop finds! SMILE

  4. @Betty, thanks to your comment I've been debating all day whether or not to dive into the garbage and retrieve the clump. ;-)

    @Anonymous, very funny. ;-P

    @Charlene, we'll see who's laughing when I get $10K for it on eBay! ;-)

  5. If only it was shaped like Jesus -- just think how much more valuable it would be! {g}

  6. @Laura, I was so hoping to find an image of Jesus when I went to scoop this morning. Instead I found what looked like golf-ball-sized hail covered in clay. Guess I'm not saved. Though frankly if being "saved" means having to spend eternity with a bunch of wackos, I'll take my chances here on Earth.

  7. So I guess that means you won't be taking off in the Rapture today? Well, you're in good company. I don't know anyone who thinks that getting hauled to heaven right now would be an improvement on taking their chances here on earth with the rest of us heathens!

  8. Nice little package
    If Al made something so small
    I'd mail it to Chuck
