Monday, January 10, 2011

The Next Cat Internet Star

Watch out, Maru, there's a new Internet Cat Star on the rise.

Live from Hong Kong, it's Murphy the Cat!

I just love the puss on that puss.

I know, it's not a box, but it's close!

And doesn't wittle baby Murphy cat look cute in his wittle baby cap and booties?

Me, I am totally impressed that they* got their cat to a) wear a baby cap and booties; and b) hold still long enough for someone to photograph him in said cap and booties. (They actually had him in two baby caps!)

Thanks for sending me the pix of Murphy, E.! Now how about some Murphy the Cat videos? :-)

All I can say is, watch out, Maru, there's a new cute cat on the Internets!

*"They" being my first cousin, E., and her husband, R., who live in Hong Kong and are expecting their first human child later this month.

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