Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Little Exploding Pony

I'm all for erring on the side of caution but... really?!

So, yesterday, authorities in Orange County, Florida, found a little stuffed pony outside the Waterbridge Elementary School. And, of course, their reaction was... to blow it up. (Maybe the authorities thought it was a Trojan horse?)

And why did the authorities decide to blow up the little stuffed horse? Because apparently a seemingly abandoned stuffed toy on the grounds of an elementary school constitutes a "suspicious device."

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[I am not a fan of gratuitous violence, but I nearly fell off my chair laughing watching that poor little stuffed pony being blown up again and again and again. Mea culpa.]

Afterward, the authorities declared the erstwhile stuffed pony to be "non-threatening." Though I wouldn't want to be the one to tell the poor kid who owned the little pony that someone blew up her beloved stuff pet.

The moral of this blog post? Don't look a gift horse blog post in the mouth!

UPDATED: I just heard that it was a "concerned citizen" [i.e., someone who probably shouldn't have had all those tequilas Monday night] who spotted the "suspicious device" [aka the stuffed pony] at the elementary school and alerted the bomb squad. Also, found this great raw video of the pony bein' 'sploded from a variety of angles. AWESOME.


  1. I laughed my butt off when I saw this on the news too. Ker-blooey! They vaporized that pony! An abundance of caution? Maybe. Or maybe cops just love to blow crap up too. That's my theory.

  2. p4500That pony blew up real good.

    As someone who used to blow up stuff as a kid, I understand the impulse, but that doesn't mean you have to make it a "reasonable" response to a "suspicious" situation.

    On the other hand, this is a country where you have to take off your shoes before flying, even if you're George Will, who was ahead of us in the ritual humiliation line at National Airport on the first leg of our vacation.

  3. :: chuckle ::

    Now everyone who saw that video clip will be wary of little stuffed ponies.

  4. Good theory, Betty.

    And this just in: I just read that it was a "concerned citizen" [i.e., someone who probably shouldn't have had all those tequilas Monday night] who spotted the "suspicious device" [aka the stuffed pony] at the elementary school and alerted the bomb squad. Also, found this great raw video of the pony bein' 'sploded from a variety of angles. AWESOME.

  5. Oh my! Too funny! But embarrassing for me at the same time.

    Many years ago I worked in the post office and came across a ticking package. It resulted in evacuation with the entire main street being shut down while the bomb squad disabled a...clock.

    We had spent the morning in a nearby cafe and I was hero of the hour for getting us extra time for a cuppa. That was until the boss told us that we wouldn't be having a lunch break because we'd already had it. I went from hero to zero! Not a popular girl that afternoon.
