Friday, July 2, 2010

What the Founding Fathers fought for

1. The right to blow up rockets... and set the night on fire...

I just love a good fireworks display, don't you?

2. The right to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings... and occasionally learn something in the process...

Gosh, I miss Schoolhouse Rock...

3. The right to shove as many hot dogs into our pie holes as we want (aka Nathan's International July Fourth Hot Dog Eating Contest)...

Even though six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi has threatened not to participate this year...

Mmmm... hot dogs...

4. The right to dress in funny clothes and parade around in public...

I just love a good (or bad) parade, don't you? (Actually, not so big on parades. Like the idea, just not the reality. Ditto circuses.)

5. The right to drink a cold beer on a hot summer's day (or night)...

Note to self: Remember to go to the liquor store later and stock up on beer.

6. The right to say "I'm proud to be an American. Happy Birthday to the USA!"

May you all have a fun -- and safe -- July 4th Weekend.

Happy Independence Day everyone!


  1. Given that the beer pictured is not available in the territory of the original thirteen colonies, may I suggest a substitution of Saranac? Although I suppose Sam Adams would be more appropriate.

  2. @Dave S.: A most excellent point, sir. I have now replaced the picture of the offending Fat Tires from the Colorado Territory with a more appropriate six pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager.

  3. Hey J, "MIL" stands for Mother in law. I HATE acronyms (for the most part - OMG!!!) but my mother in law isn't the brightest light on the tree and I figured that if, per chance, she ever stumbles upon my blog, it would take her...forever (literally) to figure it out. She's a gem.

  4. Happy 4th! So excited that we get a long weekend!
