Friday, April 30, 2010

A rabbit as big as a horse? Believe it! (Animals in the news)

This week was, like, freaky animals week in the news. First, we had the story of Einstein, or "My Little Pony," as my friend and fellow blogger Dave S. referred to the tiny pinto -- or "half-pinto." Only 14 inches tall and weighing just 6 pounds at birth a week ago, Einstein may very well be the world's smallest horse. Or, if not the smallest, definitely the cutest.

Then yesterday, I read about the tale (tail?) of Darius, the 4'3", 50-pound rabbit. (Though really the owner, an Englishwoman who had herself surgically transformed into the live-action version of Jessica Rabbit, should have called him "Harvey.")

Darius holds the Guinness World Record as world's biggest rabbit (based on his length), but he is only 13 months old and is still growing. YIKES!

And what do you give a 50-pound rabbit to eat? Anything he wants! But seriously folks, Darius eats 12 carrots, six apples and two cabbages a day (and possibly the neighbor's dog).

All I can say is the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has got nothing on Darius. (And no, J-THREE-O, you can not have a bunny.)

Wishing you all a hoppy weekend! (Mint Julep anyone?)


  1. Funnily enough there is a chap in Germany who breeds these giant bunnies. He sent a whole load of males and females to North Korea to initiate breeding programme for food and protein .....................................................................................................BUT unfortunately they ate them all !!!!

    Anon from across the pond !

  2. "He can leap about... Look at the bones!"

    So I guess the bunny's owner can say "I'm not bad, I'm just surgically altered that way."

    Verification word "matingl" as in "matinglikebunnies"...
