Thursday, March 18, 2010

It could drive a gal to drink


Thanks to a bout of spring fever, a generous invitation to attend The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Happy Hour in D.C., and an understanding spouse and child (the latter's only request: "Go to the Peeps Store and bring me back some Peeps!") I will literally be driving myself to drink tomorrow. Though taking a taxi home (or back to my hotel) afterward.

And could anyone truly blame me -- or anyone -- after this long, cold, depressing winter, and that awful power-cutting storm in the Northeast we just had, for wanting to get away for a night and enjoy one truly happy, carefree hour with friends over a cold bottle (or mug, stein, pint, or glass) of brew?

I think not.

Also, I could really use some girl time, as well as a mani/pedi, and friend of the blog EMM has promised to take me under her wing Saturday and show me a good time. (And my dear friend, Dave S., and his lovely wife, Mrs. S., very kindly invited me over to their place for dinner Saturday. So really, how could I refuse?)

I will, of course, have my trusty laptop with me, in case I feel the urge to blog.

But if you don't hear from me for a couple days, you know why. (What happens at happy hour, stays at happy hour. Maybe.)

Here's to spring, which officially starts on Saturday, and good friends.

A votre santé!

1 comment:

  1. I hope HH lives up to the lore and that everyone in attendance is on their "best" behavior.

    If only all out of town guests were as easy to please. Not everyone can handle the strict EMM agenda of HH, brunch, shopping for peeps, mani/pedi and overall "touristy goofiness".

