Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods kicks off 2010 Mea Culpa Tour with press conference

Tomorrow at 11 a.m. ET at the Clubhouse at TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra, Florida, golfer Tiger Woods will be kicking off the 2010 Tiger Woods Mea Culpa Tour.

Already generating the kind of buzz only befitting perhaps the world's greatest golfer and philanderer of our time, the Tiger Woods 2010 Mea Culpa Tour is also scheduled to stop at The TODAY Show (co-host Matt Lauer is an avid golfer) and on Oprah Winfrey's couch -- and no doubt at several major upcoming PGA tournaments. (The Master's begins just after Easter. Watch Tiger rise up and ascend to golfing heaven!)

Interestingly, according to National Enquirer executive editor Barry Levine (as reported on ESPN's E:60), the whole Tiger Woods mistress story was almost a non-story. Almost. As we all know what eventually happened. (Fore!)

Me, I don't really care about Tiger. Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed that the image was far from the reality. But that's the problem with our celebrity- and athlete-worshiping culture. We forget that celebrities are just actors and athletes are not heroes. They are just people who are really good at what they do -- and happen to get a lot of press coverage.

I just hope that Tiger's little coming out party won't hurt sales of the Tiger Woods Mistress Commemorative Plate Collection. (Order your set today! Supplies are limited!)

Note: For a more serious take on -- and good insight into -- Tiger Woods's upcoming no-questions-asked "press conference" check out PR Guru Peter Shankman's blog. (Shankman is also scheduled to talk about Tiger on Fox tomorrow at 11:10. But I won't hold that against him.) I also liked Richard Sandomir's article for The New York Times, "Woods Blazes a New Trail for the Celebrity Apology."

UPDATED 2/19/2010: Watched the Tiger Woods press conference and composed the following haikus:

Where were the show girls?
"Sorry" no longer hardest word.
Sorry, Elton John.

Tiger the Buddhist
Meditates on his options
Sticks it to Brit Hume


  1. Billy Dee Williams needs to add a set of pint glasses to this collection. That way he can co-market Tiger and Colt45.

    My take on the hoopla tomorrow's "news" will generate...meh.

  2. Why not embrace his demons? Tiger should go out, play the Masters with whores draped all over him--all the while beating the field by five strokes and giving the finger to the nation.

    Short of that, Tiger's a fake phony fraud to the level of Alex Rodriguez.

  3. Just composed the following two haikus:

    Where were the show girls?
    "Sorry" no longer hardest word.
    Sorry, Elton John.

    Tiger the Buddhist
    Meditates on his options
    Sticks it to Brit Hume

    Btw, I just heard there was a problem posting comments. If you want to post but can't, send me an email to my personal account or to moodyqt33 [at symbol] hotmail [dot] com with your comment and I will post for you. Thanks!

  4. My advice for Woods:
    Stop spraying balls all over,
    Stick to hole in one

  5. "greatest golfer and philanderer of our time?

    Not while Bill Clinton lives can he be both!

  6. Yes, I'll never forget the year Bill Clinton won the Master's and U.S. Open.

  7. @Powa: Thanks for including the link to Bill Simmons' article. (Go read it, people! That's an order!) Interestingly, I didn't feel the same way Simmons did watching Tiger. I didn't think Tiger was an insincere robot, though the camera facing him going dead halfway in didn't help his cause as we could no longer see his face. But I think Simmons made some excellent points, not just about Tiger and these celebrity apology tours but about our celebrity athlete culture and how pro athletes are different than you or I and how "average folks" totally enable them.
